Can you differentiate which bag is the Original LV or Fake One?
Louis Vuitton is one of the most recognized names in the world of fashion. The designs embody the timeless avant garde style for which this designer is known. The handbags, wallets purses and other accessories from this designer are always among the most wanted gifts. LV is the oldest of the large design brands, started in 1854. It is also the most copied brand in designer replicas. Unfortunately, the cost of a genuine Louis Vuitton handbag is about as much as a few months worth of mortgage payments. Its show that "the brand is measured by the price". Every Louis Vuitton replica handbag that sell is a 7 star mirror image of the genuine bags. LV always purchase the original designer bag to ensure the highest quality designer replica of every style of LV replica handbags. They are identical in every detail, including the materials, color, logos and the trademark lock and key, just as you would find in the original.